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Involve your youth group in influencing future youth policy in Finland!


The Finnish Government will draw up a plan that will define the most important objectives and measures for young people in the coming years. The plan is called the Government's Youth Policy Programme. There is a desire to involve young people in the preparation and evaluation of the plan.
Kaksi nuorta istuvat kahvipöydän ääressä katsoen ulos ikkunasta


At the request of the Ministry of Education and Culture, we ask young people aged 13-25 what they consider important. What should the next Finnish government do for young people? The survey consists of background questions and three (3) content questions. Answering the survey takes 5-10 minutes. Please read the questions carefully!

The answers are used to make and evaluate the plan in the ministry, so answering really matters! The response time is until 14.10.2022. Based on the responses to the survey, workshops for young people will be organised during the autumn of 2022, where topics important to young people will be discussed in more detail.


More information about the consultation can be found here

The survey is carried out by the Centre of Expertise in Inclusion and the Youth Academy. If you have any questions, you can contact:

Antti Ollikainen
Project coordinator
+358 50 3384485  
Youth Academy / Centre of Expertise for Inclusion

Marja Pulkkinen
+358 2953 30113  
Ministry of Education and Culture